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  • dannidietetics

Healthy Tips When Eating Out.

Want to maintain a well-balanced healthy diet whilst still eating out? Here are my top tips!

Ordering Tips

  1. Chose lower fat cooking methods e.g. grilled, oven-baked, poached instead of fried!

  2. Look for meals with plenty of vegetables or a salad!

  3. Replace hot chips with a side of salad!

  4. Switch from creamy-based sauces to tomato based!

  5. Have your meal with water instead of soft drink!

  6. If lean or wholegrain versions are offered; these are usually healthier options

Portion Control

  1. Order an entree' size dish or skip the entree' and stick with one main course meal!

  2. If there is an option in sizing, chose small!

  3. Ask for sauces/gravies/dressing on the side so you are in control of the portion!

  4. Keep to one plate at a buffet

  5. Eat your meal until your satisfied and ask for the rest in a take-away container! You don't have to finish the whole meal!

  6. Skip dessert or share it between two!

  7. Resist the urge to order in a meal. E.g. grab a burger without fries and the drink


  1. At McDonalds - grab a grilled wrap with water instead of Big Mac meal with coke!

  2. At KFC - take the skin off the chicken to reduce its fat content

  3. Chose a thin crust pizza over thick crust!

  4. Chose rice paper rolls over fried springs rolls!

  5. Have your chicken parma with salad instead of fries!

  6. Have a spaghetti bolognese instead of carbonara!

  7. Choose a grilled flake at the fish and chip shop instead of fried!

  8. Chose steamed dim sims over fried!

Hope this helps!



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